Larry backed the trailer perfectly into its comfortable home for the next few months.

We saw a lot of work ahead of us but are hoping it goes quickly.

This palm tree sheds a bunch and we just drag it up the hill to the compost pile we made last year.

This made me sad. It was Larry's beautiful creation and sadly the rain and winds took it’s toll. It’s salvageable.

Raking, raking and more raking! So many leaves from the massive mango trees.

The house without the roof magically got a roof while we were away. I moved my art room to a brighter space. I carried hundreds of bricks one day for the legs.

We spent a day unloading the truck and trailer so we we’re not so crowded.

We walked into town the second night for dinner with Deb and Matt. They had some beautiful new murals.

Love this!💕

It says, “under the concrete is your food”. ☀️

We ate at Apapachos. A fabulous vegan restaurant with artisan beer. I got my first IPA here!

It’s pretty with the lights at night.

We have bananas growing in our yard. Yay!

There are many horses in town but Larry won’t go horseback riding with me.

The cute school at the town plaza.

Horses in the center of town.

Robert at bat smashing it to the outfield.

Matt tried to walk on the field after the game started. Nice try buddy!

Larry hits another homerun!🥎

We went to breakfast after the game at Neptuno’s. https://m.facebook.com/people/Neptuno-Restaurant-Bar-Billar/100037903490316/
Look at the menu for the divorced eggs…. Ha ha ha🤣😂

Gypsy is happy to be back on the property.

This lovely lady is our friend Deb’s 89 year old mom!! She drove with Deb from Phoenix this season. She’s so awesome!!

It’s hard to see but all of these folks that are on boogie boards are 70 plus years young!

A view from the shady side of the beach.

We watched some surfers of all abilities.

The tide was low so we looked for sea creatures.

Beach life! We love it. 🌴😎☀️

Out the window of my art room.

We discovered a few tiny wasp nests. We relocated these fellows.

One of the RV parks on the beach. They are all packed this season!

We had another lovely meal with Deb, Matt and Ileta at Tomatina’s.

Gypsy has taken my favorite chair and won’t give it back.

The colorful Lo De Marcos sign in the plaza.

Gypsy hogs the bed all day too.

Here are some awesome bugs!

Not this one!🤣😂

This was our first hike with our hiking group.

We met this handsome guy!

This place is called teapot. Can you see the little waterfall? There is a big pool of water that folks were jumping in.

It was too crowded for me to get in the water this time but we will go back again.

They sell some beautiful paintings in the plaza on Saturday with plenty of other vendors too.

I spied this interesting plant on my walk.

Larry caught a Big little lizard and he let me hold it.

Our empty beach at 9 am.

Nobody around at all.

This is Venado beach a mile from us. I have been jogging again.🏃♀️

The pretty sign outside Deb’s RV park.

This is a unique outside shower and foot washing station by the beach.

The lagoon on the other side of the beach. We do a lot of bird watching here. We also look for cocodrillos 🐊but haven’t seen any yet.

Lazy Mexican cat on the wall.

I joined a gym! Yay!💪

So I can eat Cake!🤣😂

This is a tiny pineapple the size of my thumb.

We planted some colorful plants in our jungle paradise.

It’s so pretty here.

Larry has taken to weaving palm leaves.

We cleaned up our seating area around a fire ring… eventually.

Larry made me a planter for my herbs.
We continue to clean up our fabulous campground with sprinkles of fun at the beach. We are planning on be here until May. We love it here and are very fortunate that our friends Amelia and Trini let’s us stay here each year.
You’re so lucky to not have to be parked in the crowded RV lots. We’re in Puerto Vallarta but we’re moving to a private lot in Bucerias in 2 weeks.
Looks fabulous!