I think the hardest part of leaving my house was finding homes for my kitties.
We got Chloe the mama kitty when we was just a tiny kitten. My friend Sarah knew I had lots of pets and a big heart. This kitten had been abandoned by it’s mom and Sarah’s friend had nursed it back to life until it was ready for a new home. Of course we had room in our house for another kitty. I think we already had 6. What difference would one more make. Chloe never grew past the teenage kitten size but she got knocked up immediately. She had 2 kittens of her own about 6 months after she came to us. My kids loved them and we kept both kittens. One male and one female. I got all three cats neutered/spayed as soon as possible to prevent more litters. The female kitten turned out to be a long hair and my kids named her Lionness. The male was short haired, black and white named Jotty after my two friends, Jordann and Scotty. Jotty wandered away a few years ago. The other cats were older and there time passed many years ago.

Fast forward to my current situation. Both my kids have moved out 4 years ago and when I offered them their cherished pets before I left California, they weren’t is places to have pets. I easily been parting with lots of my worldly possessions, selling and giving away tons of things. Finding homes for 2 ten year old cats was by far the most difficult task. I could have left them at my house as the renter said they could stay. He was bringing 2 dogs and another cat so that option was not ideal. I know that the animal shelter in Rohnert Park is a no kill facility but that was never really an option I entertained at all.
I loved my cats but new bringing 2 cats traveling in a 25ft trailer would be a very bad idea. It wouldn’t be good for either of us. I asked around my neighborhood and all of my friends. I asked friends to ask friends without any luck. I was done to the last month before I was leaving with no solution and this was waying heavily on my mind.
One morning while I was looking on Facebook, I read that my friend Bob Groat had just lost his last cat. Bob was married to Karen whom I worked with at Safeway back in the early 80’s. I had seen Karen over the years, here and there, but both of us had left Safeway, had kids and our lives were in different directions. Last year Karen had some heart issues and passed away during a surgery. Bob is currently composing a CD of original music in memory of his beloved wife.
I took a huge leap and sent Bob a message. I said this may seem weird and out of the blue but I was leaving the country in a month to travel and was looking for a loving home for my wonderful kitties. Bob said he would like to meet them. We arranged for him to stop by on Friday night, a week before I was to leave. We hung out in the backyard and let the cats come meet him on their terms. I was absolutely surprised when Chloe came over to him after about 30 minutes and let him pet her. She’s the shy cat! Lionness went crazy for his shoes and I almost asked him if he doused himself with Catnip before he came over. These cats were immediately attracted to him. Bob is a calm and quiet gentleman. I think the cats knew he was safe and a cat lover. Bob agreed to take both kitties. That was the best news ever! The cats would be together and I felt that would be the best for their adjustment to a new home. They still had each other. I offered Bob cat food and a cat litter box but he said he had everything he needed already. We made plans for the following Saturday for Larry and I to deliver the kitties to their new home in Sebastopol.
I really felt this was the best situation. It felt very good. I know the kitties will get alot of love and they will give Bob a lot of love back. I was very sad still. I felt pretty guilty about leaving them. It worried about them being sad and missing me but this was the only option. I loved them very much and now Bob can.
About a week later, Bob posted that he had a new buddy, Lionness. Bob said he has someone to love and he looks forward to coming home and being with the cats. I know the kitties will probably have an even better life with Bob. This was by far the hardest thing I had to do in my move.
Such a great story!