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Salina Cruz November 22-24, 2022 Catching up with old friends

We had a great drive from Oaxaca to Salina Cruz. Lots of beautiful mountains to drive through. We met Larry’s friend Yessi at the Walmart parking lot. We weren’t sure where we were going to park…..and it turned out to be there.

Larry knows Yessi from Hautulco at Park Royal Resort. She and her husband Gio moved to Salina Cruz a few years ago.

She took us right away to a beach close by for some lunch in Ensenada de la Ventosa. We ate at Restaurante Faro de Cortes.

The restaurant had a pool too!

This was our home for two nights. It was safe and secure but it wasn’t free. We paid one security guard $150 pesos the first night. Then I gave a lady guard $200 pesos when we left for the day. When we got back in the evening, a third guard wanted $150 pesos but we gave him $100 only. $450 pesos for two nights in a parking lot was ridiculous. That’s $23 US. This will be an experience that I will only repeat if it’s a last resort. A Pemex gas station is better.

I used the shopping mall bathroom. I posed near the Christmas tree in my swim attire.

We spent all day Wednesday with Yessi, Gio and their good friend Fernando. Fernando speaks great English and studied languages at the university. He did a lot of translating because Yessi speaks No English and Gio very little. It really didn’t matter, we all had a great day!

First stop was Ojo de Agua in Tlacotepec.

There was fish in the water. They nibble your toes!

There were big ones that packed a mean bite too!

The river went around an island in the middle.

It was so clear and clean.

Can you see the big fish?

It cost us $25 pesos to get in for the day. That’s $1.25 US

We also found out they have camping at the same cost!! $1.25 per person each day. It’s a good option if we come back this way. It’s a hour drive to Salina Cruz

This is the kiddie pool area

They even had this alter

These guys were thieves. They would go through your bags looking for snacks.

We got a great spot by the water under the shade of a huge mangrove tree. It was very warm!

Gio and Yessi. They have been married almost 5 years 💕

Larry sneaking a turn in the hammock.

The water was wonderful 🐟

Second stop was a beach an hour away. It is called Playa Chipehua.

We stopped for a snack and a beer plus made a new friend, Max. I wanted to take him with us!

It’s was an interesting area

We loved the beach!

It’s a small beach and we walked to one end of it.

Fernando, “Salud!”

I love this

Larry said the water was a little chilly

This was so cool!

After the beach, we drlove around Salina Cruz to see the Centro and the Malecon.

This moth was the size of Larry’s hand!

Salina Cruz- pretty City, good friends and lots of beaches!

We headed out again after two nights.

They have a lot of these three wheel cars… I love them!

Which way should we go…???

Huatulco or San Cristobal, Chiapas

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