Back in San Antonio after a brief trip to my house in Ajijic Mexico and I'm ready to get things done here! I hopped off the plane at 1 pm and by 3, I had joined the gym a mile from the house. I knew I would be helping unpack but I thought that might not be enough to keep me busy! This gym is awesome! It was 6 times bigger than my old club in California. Sadly they didn't have a pool or hot tub. They did have hundreds of treadmills, ellipticals , stair climbers, and bikes. Loads of dumbbells, and barbells. They had a ladies workout area and two rooms for classes. I went to a handful of spin classes and wanted to do yoga but never got there. They offered a free body scan and apparently I'm in really good shape for my age! They had free tanning beds and hydro massage tables. I used the massage chair a bunch and the dry sauna but it is already so hot here.... I stopped going because it was a sauna outside.

And when I wasn't at the gym, we had lots and lots of boxes!! I unpacked books mostly and Amanda had the hard part with everything else! They had lived in their Berkeley house for over 30 years and had Stuff!

I would break down the boxes and reorganize the garage.... in 105 degree weather.... in the even hotter garage. I absolutely loved it!! I felt so happy I could help my cousin with this incredible move. Inga, her wife had foot surgery and was staying at a rehab hospital in California until we could get everything ready for her arrival.

I got out for early morning walks before the heat of the day.

I had afternoon snuggles with Ginger ❤️

Amanda and I researched nearby parks that Inga could use her scooter to get around and enjoy being outside.

We both liked this one!

I think these things grow up from the trees. Cool huh?


I believe this is a non native Egyptian goose.

We went into the center of San Antonio to do the river walk one night and they had these cool carriages.

Boats too!

I really enjoyed this place and will definitely come again.

It was quite magical.

We had a lovely dinner and I looked into some shops. I didn't need anything but.....

Amanda and I bought these matching tank tops to commemorate our roadtrip! 💕

My comfy bed.... until Inga arrives. Then I get the sofa hide a bed.

Another cool old time Dennys diner we couldn't pass up one afternoon when we were out running errands.

I found some yummy beer at the
H E B market! Nice and relaxing after a day of unpacking.

We took a morning off the visit the Botanical Gardens.

Out of this world!

I loved all the orchids.

So much fun together!

Can you see how big the dragon is?? Look at the kid to the left.

My cousin bought a membership so she and Inga can come whenever they want for a year. It was so worth it.

These are illiterate ducks.

This is a poinsettia.

What a goofball!! Hee hee 🤣😂

Photo credit: Amanda Duisman


🌺 Two beauties ❤️

Yep! That's little ole me!

Rip van winkle

I asked a nice neighbor if I could borrow his lawnmower and he was kind enough to help me mow and week wack both the front and back lawns. I offered him a beer 🍺 but he wanted to take me to lunch instead. These guys in Texas are so friendly!

This was a great surprise! My cousin Randy from Virginia was in town and I got to see him two days while he was here. One night just the cousins, me, Amanda ( from mom's side and Randy ( dad's side). The next day I saw Randy and his lovely lady friend Chau-Rong at their campsite . They had just crossed the border after a month in Mexico 🇲🇽.

Then more organizing and consolidating in the garage for me!

I found bugs to entertain me once and awhile.

This was in a neighbor's yard. Pretty fancy neighborhood I say!


Amanda and Inga live in the Camelot section. Nice one story ranch style houses. This is the neighborhood park.

I found this humorous.

This is Big Ken's 2022 Vette! He goes to my gym.

I found this brand new pillow at the Texas thrift store for only $3.74... I had to grab it. I also went on Tuesday and Seniors (over 55) like me get 30 % off!! I seriously went on a shopping spree. I booked a last minute trip and needed appropriate I'll be leaving San Antonio soon.

Inga arrived without a hitch and is comfortably adjusting to her new home.... which is funny. It's her childhood home. We got everything perfectly unpacked and set up before she showed up. Now all she needs to do is focus on healing her foot. I was lucky to get to spend some extra time with both of them before jetting off again. 🛫

My last day in San Antonio for awhile. My last visit with my sunflowers that I passed each day on my way to the gym.

There are crape myrtle trees everywhere and in every color blooming right now.

This is a kids dentist office on one of the main roads I walk. It's on the roof and is huge!

On my last day I finally got to see a lizard!! What a beautiful creature. My heart is filled again with love and joy. I'm so very grateful to have been able to spend this time with my cousin Amanda and Inga.

Nice pictures as always. :)