Here's to Another 50! 50th Blog PostRhonda Tell Me Your StoryMar 21, 20201 min readUpdated: Mar 23, 2020It all started here:Our AirstreamMeet LucyLucy Love is On the RoadThe Search and Discovery of the Perfect AirstreamMeet Rhonda & Larry:About RhondaHer RetirementHer WagonHer kittiesHow She Met LarryAbout LarrySummers Up NorthAloha Sonoma CountyOur First Trips:See You LaterGetting Lucy To CanadaMaiden VoyageCanadian Adventures: Apple PieEva’s 80th BirthdayFrom one Province to the nextRhonda's ExperienceBorder Crossing Stories:USA to Canada Canada to USAUSA to MexicoTractors, Trains and Planes:TractorsTrainsPlanesand Lakesand Bridgesand RiversFalling for the Life on the Road:PortlandGasquetShasta CavernsRock FestivalChasing 72/20 degrees:Larry gets Cold!Seeing SonomaDeath ValleyAlways Sunny in SedonaHot Birthday for RhondaStay Tuned for more!
It all started here:Our AirstreamMeet LucyLucy Love is On the RoadThe Search and Discovery of the Perfect AirstreamMeet Rhonda & Larry:About RhondaHer RetirementHer WagonHer kittiesHow She Met LarryAbout LarrySummers Up NorthAloha Sonoma CountyOur First Trips:See You LaterGetting Lucy To CanadaMaiden VoyageCanadian Adventures: Apple PieEva’s 80th BirthdayFrom one Province to the nextRhonda's ExperienceBorder Crossing Stories:USA to Canada Canada to USAUSA to MexicoTractors, Trains and Planes:TractorsTrainsPlanesand Lakesand Bridgesand RiversFalling for the Life on the Road:PortlandGasquetShasta CavernsRock FestivalChasing 72/20 degrees:Larry gets Cold!Seeing SonomaDeath ValleyAlways Sunny in SedonaHot Birthday for RhondaStay Tuned for more!